
( name, [database] )


This function is deprecated as of Fauna 2.7.0. Use Collection instead.

A Class was renamed to a Collection in Fauna 2.7.0. This function continues to exist for compatibility with older drivers.

The Class function returns a valid Reference for the specified class (now, collection) name, in the specified child database. If a child database is not specified, the returned class (now, collection) reference belongs to the current database.

When a child database is specified, an admin key must be used to call Class (server or client keys, or ABAC tokens, cannot be used to access a child database).


Parameter Type Definition and Requirements


The name of a class (now, collection).


Optional - A Reference to a child database. If not specified, the current database is used.


A Reference to a class (now, collection) with the specified name, in the specified child database (or the current database if database is not specified).


  1. The following query gets a Reference to the class (now, collection) named "spells" within the current database:

    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:  18

    •   bytesOut:  80

    • computeOps:   1

    •    readOps:   0

    •   writeOps:   0

    •  readBytes:   0

    • writeBytes:   0

    •  queryTime: 4ms

    •    retries:   0

  2. The following query gets a Reference to the class (now, collection) named "spells" within a child database named "child_db":

    ('spells', ('child_db'))
    ("spells", ("child_db"))
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:  50

    •   bytesOut: 159

    • computeOps:   1

    •    readOps:   0

    •   writeOps:   0

    •  readBytes: 155

    • writeBytes:   0

    •  queryTime: 7ms

    •    retries:   0

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