
( path, from, [ default ] )


The Select function extracts a single value from a document. It extracts the value identified by the path parameter out of the from parameter and returns the value. If the path does not exist, the optional default value is returned. If the path does not exist and the default value is not provided, an error is returned.


The path parameter defines which part of from should be selected and returned.

  • If from is an Array, path can be expressed as a Long which is interpreted a the zero-based index from the start of the array. For example:

    (2, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'])
  • If from is an Object, path can be expressed as a String, which is interpreted as the name of a field in from. For example:

    ('b', {a: 'one', b: 'two', c: 'three'})
  • If from is an Object that has nested objects, path can be expressed as an Array that has field names, or array offsets, that lead to the value in the structure of from. For example:

        from: {
          timestamp: (),
          leaders: [
              player: 'eskwayrd',
              position: [53, 47],
              score: 11,
              player: 'databrecht',
              position: [11, 22],
              score: 10,
              player: 'n400',
              position: [37, 4],
              score: 7,
      (['leaders', 1, 'position', 1], ('from'))


Parameter Type Definition and Requirements


The field name path (the list of field names or array offsets required to access a specific field nested in the document structure), array offset, or field name in from to select.


Array or Object

The value with the data to be selected.



Optional - The value to be returned if the path does not exist in from.


The value at the path in from, or the default value if the path does not exist in from.


  1. The following query extracts from the top level object named "favorites" and second level array called "foods" the value in position 1 of the array. This value is "munchings."

      ['favorites', 'foods', 1],
      { favorites: { foods: ['crunchings', 'munchings', 'lunchings'] } },
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn: 126

    •   bytesOut:  24

    • computeOps:   1

    •    readOps:   0

    •   writeOps:   0

    •  readBytes:   0

    • writeBytes:   0

    •  queryTime: 5ms

    •    retries:   0

  2. The following query uses Select to extract the document ID from the Reference:

    (['id'], ('prydain'))
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:  47

    •   bytesOut:  22

    • computeOps:   1

    •    readOps:   0

    •   writeOps:   0

    •  readBytes:  62

    • writeBytes:   0

    •  queryTime: 6ms

    •    retries:   0

  3. The following query demonstrates how the default value is returned when the path is not found in from:

    ('e', { a: 1, b: 2 }, 'The default')
    'The default'
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:  70

    •   bytesOut:  26

    • computeOps:   1

    •    readOps:   0

    •   writeOps:   0

    •  readBytes:   0

    • writeBytes:   0

    •  queryTime: 2ms

    •    retries:   0

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