Release notes for Fauna products


Backups 1.0 - released 2022-07-27

Fauna is pleased to announce the first general release of the Backup service, where you can create daily snapshots of your database(s), restore a database from a snapshot, or copy a snapshot to a new database.

Backups 1.0 - released 2022-05-10

Fauna is pleased to announce the initial release of the Backup service, where you can create daily snapshots of your database(s), restore a database from a snapshot, or copy a snapshot to a new database.

The Backup service is currently available as an "Early Access" feature, and is enabled for select customers. We are not accepting access requests at this time.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.6.0 - released 2022-03-01


  • The Partial Update Mutation Schema Preview is now enabled for all GraphQL queries.

This change causes additional mutations to be created when you import a schema. See Partial updates for details.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.5.1 - released 2022-01-31


  • Improved reporting of schema validation errors.

  • Improved enforcement of relationships. Relationship names must be unique per type, and only one relationship can be defined per field. Multiple relationships can still be defined to types.

  • Fixed problem that required update permission when creating documents and their relationships in a single query.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the use of an existing index (via @index) where the index’s terms definition was not an array.

Fauna Dashboard - released 2021-07-21


  • Added the option to specify a secret to the Web Shell "Run As" feature.

  • Added the option to request a Region Group when creating a new database.

Fauna Dashboard - released 2021-07-08


  • Fixed the bug that caused closing brackets to go missing from queries retrieved from the query history.

  • Adjusted the database listing table to sort by database name, rather than by Region Group.

  • Improved website validation in the Account Settings form.

  • Improved tooltip styles.

Fauna Dashboard - released 2021-06-30


Fauna Dashboard - released 2021-06-28


  • Added a redesigned "Create Database" form that appears as a flyout panel instead of a separate screen.

  • Adjusted the tutorial overlay to work with the new flyout.

Fauna Dashboard - released 2021-06-08


  • As the Dashboard version in production is always the latest, we have moved to reporting Dashboard releases by date.

  • Included pagination controls for browsing collections containing many documents.

  • Improved the time range dropdown for the "overage breakdown" graph on the home page, including using the current month as the default.

  • Added the GraphQL schema Replace mode.

  • Removed the button for the GraphQL schema Override mode.

  • Improved the handling of Role changes when the membership or privilege resources no longer exist.

  • Added roles to the demo data to better demonstrate ABAC features.

  • Fixed a demo data bug from applying to GraphQL correctly.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.5.0 - released 2021-06-02


  • Fixed an issue that prevented empty lists from being provided as input values to non-null list fields.

  • Added a new schema import mode: replace mode creates missing collections, indexes, and functions, but it only replaces existing GraphQL metadata and avoids modification of documents, indexes, functions. See Modes for more information.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented importing a schema with renamed fields involved in a relation.

  • Fixed a potential inconsistent state while importing a revised schema.

    During schema import, the new schema might require a change to an index definition, but index definitions cannot be changed after the index is created. An inconsistent state would result if this error was encountered after performing any other schema import modifications.

    Now, this situation is caught early and the schema state remains consistent, even with the error condition. To address this situation, you can attempt to create replacement indexes or functions until your schema can be imported, or use override mode to replace everything (at the expense of data loss). See Modes for more information.

Fauna Dashboard 2.24.0 - released 2021-05-19


  • Added the "Run As" feature to the Web Shell, to execute queries as a specific identity/role. This should make testing ABAC roles much easier.

  • Added a notification banner when the limits of the Free plan have been exceeded.

  • Re-introduced the "overage breakdown" graph on the home page, which tracks overage amounts for your current plan.

Fauna Dashboard 2.23.0 - released 2021-03-30


  • Reduced background queries resulting from browser blur/focus transitions.

Fauna Dashboard 2.22.0 - released 2021-03-18


  • Added mitigation for "click jacking" attacks.

  • Removed metrics and graphs for legacy billing plans.

  • Added additional validation logic to the signup screen.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.4.4 - released 2021-03-18


  • Fixed error reporting that resulted in "invalid secret" errors instead of the actual cause.

Fauna Dashboard 2.21.1 - released 2021-03-02


  • Removed pricing banner advertising the transition to new billing plans.

Fauna Dashboard 2.21.0 - released 2021-03-02


  • Improved the demo data available when creating a new database, in particular, for the e-commerce documents: more realistic inventory and indexes for querying.

  • Fixed a configuration issue when handling empty port values (visible only to Dashboard administrators).

  • Changed the "Contact Us" link to point to the Fauna feedback page.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.4.3 - released 2021-02-05


  • Added logging and metrics for "invalid secret" exceptions.

Fauna Dashboard 2.20.0 - released 2021-01-28


  • Updated billing page to include third-party authentication details.

  • Removed mention of faunadb-migrate tool since it is unsupported.

Fauna Dashboard 2.19.2 - released 2021-01-26


  • Fixed bug that prevented accepting American Express card numbers.

  • Fixed presentation of ~ when the metric is zero.

Fauna Dashboard 2.19.1 - released 2021-01-15


  • Fixed presentation of ~ for the Total and Dashboard storage metrics.

Fauna Dashboard 2.19.0 - released 2021-01-14


  • Included a banner reminding users about the upcoming transition to the new billing plans.

  • Added a toggle button for "legacy" users (those who signed up prior to November 17, 2020) that switches between "legacy" billing metrics and the (now) current billing metrics.

  • Improved the billing metrics presentation, which now includes a Total row, describing the account’s overall usage, and a "Dashboard/Shell/Playground" row that describes usage accumulated via these user interfaces.


  • Fixed clearing the cookie banner after logout.

  • Fixed formatting bugs for Dashboard usage metrics.

Fauna Dashboard 2.18.2 - released 2020-12-23


  • Fixed issues with the GraphQL Playground.

Fauna Dashboard 2.18.1 - released 2020-12-22


  • Removed the usage breakdown chart from the Dashboard home page. In its place, added links to helpful resources.

Fauna Dashboard 2.18.0 - released 2020-12-10


  • Updated the list of valid JWKS URIs on the AccessProvider form.

  • Removed warning regarding minimum invoice amount.

Fauna Dashboard 2.17.0 - released 2020-12-03

New features

  • Added new billing metrics to the Web Shell’s info tooltips.


  • Limited localStorage usage to prevent "oops" in the Web Shell.

  • Fixed handling of CVV field to permit values starting with zero.

  • Fixed the link to the pricing page.

Fauna API v4 - released 2020-11-18


  • Added support for document streaming. Once a client subscribes to a document’s event stream, it is notified by Fauna of document events, such as update and delete, immediately.

  • Added support for third-party authentication: you can now use an identity provider, such as Auth0, to authenticate users and permit them to execute queries within your database. See External authentication for details.

  • Added new functions specifically for third-party authentication:

  • Added new functions to help distinguish between users stored in your Fauna database from external identities:

  • The Python driver now supports all of the type check functions (IsArray and related). The Python driver now supports most of the math and type conversion functions, such as Pow and ToObject.

  • The Java driver now requires Java 11. With that change, we have replaced the Netty HTTP client with the Java HTTP client, and upgraded the authentication scheme from Basic to Bearer.

Fauna Dashboard 2.16.0 - released 2020-11-18

New features

  • Teams: you can now invite others to participate in the development of your Fauna databases.

  • Third-party authentication: You can now configure AccessProvider documents to connect with an identity provider, such as Auth0, to permit identities stored outside of your database to execute queries within your database.

  • New billing plans: We have adjusted our billing plans to meet the needs of our customers. See our pricing page for details.

  • Multi-factor authentication: you can secure your Dashboard account with common authenticator apps that provide time-base one-time passwords.

Fauna Dashboard 2.15.2 - released 2020-10-26


  • Fixed parsing of queries containing comments so that slashes in URLs no longer have to be escaped.

Fauna DashboardVersion 2.15.1 - released 2020-10-26


  • Rolled back the usage display fix from 2.15.0, since it did not handle tenant database usage correctly.

Fauna DashboardVersion 2.15.0 - released 2020-10-22


  • You can now execute highlighted queries.

  • Commented lines are ignored in the Web Shell.


  • Moved the name field for keys into the optional data object, and fixed the display of key names in the list of keys.

  • Comments are now ignored in role membership predicates.

  • Fixed the usage display when there has been no usage to report.

Fauna Dashboard 2.14.1 - released 2020-08-20


  • Downgraded graphql-playground-react from 1.7.23 to 1.7.20.

Fauna Dashboard 2.14.0 - released 2020-08-19


  • Upgraded the JavaScript driver to 3.0.1.

  • Improved scroll behavior in the Web Shell, on page load and after query execution.

  • Renamed Fauna Console to Fauna Dashboard.

Fauna API v3 - released 2020-08-18

The Fauna API, embodied in the interactions between the core database server and the drivers, follows a new version strategy beginning with this release.


  • Added short-circuit behavior to the And and Or functions.

  • Added a new function, Reverse to reverse the order of sets and pages.

  • Added an alias of the Contains function called ContainsPath, and deprecated the Contains function.

  • Added the new functions ContainsField and ContainsValue functions, to make it easier to explore the structure of objects and documents.

  • Add api_version support to Lambda functions, so that a user-created function continues to behave consistently as the Fauna API version advances.

  • Improved ttl configuration for documents by honoring the time-to-live upon read. This is especially useful for keys and tokens.

  • Updated the Java driver support to include Java 11, and to remove Java 8.

  • Update the Python driver support to include Python 3.7 and 3.8.

Fauna Dashboard 2.13.3 - released 2020-06-30


  • Improved the mobile view of the Dashboard home page.

  • Improved child database deletion to also delete associated keys from the parent database.

  • Fixed handling of UDFs that have no arguments.

  • Fixed handling of the "Terms" and "Values" fields in the index editor.

  • Fixed handling of text results to avoid garbled output.

Fauna Dashboard 2.13.2 - released 2020-06-03


  • Updated the JavaScript driver, which addresses the following issues:

    • Fixed the case of FQL functions when translating queries to/from the wire protocol.

    • Fixed error messages related to several aspects of handling FQL queries.

Fauna DashboardVersion 2.13.1 - released 2020-06-01


  • Fixed index creation when the index has blank terms or values fields.

  • Fixed cache issue that affected the presentation of the Keys page.

  • Fixed several issues related to scrolling on mobile devices.

  • Implemented fixes and adjustments that improve the performance of the Web Shell.

Fauna Dashboard 2.13.0 - released 2020-05-14


  • Changed the Community Slack checkbox to unchecked by default.

Fauna DashboardVersion 2.12.3 - released 2020-05-14


  • Fixed a problem that sometimes showed the wrong function details.

  • Fixed a minor formatting issue for keys.

  • Fixed a problem listing documents after a document was deleted.

Fauna Dashboard 2.12.2 - released 2020-05-07


  • Fixed issue that prevented pasting code snippets into the Web Shell query editor on Windows.

  • Fixed the Web Shell auto scroll, which interfered with text selection.

Fauna 2.12.0 - released 2020-05-05


  • All drivers now support the specification of a query timeout in milliseconds. When the timeout period has elapsed, the active query is terminated and an error is returned.

  • The Go driver now accepts the native nil in place of f.Null().

  • The Go driver now supports the various type check functions, including IsArray and similar.

  • The C# driver now supports the Documents function.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented index tasks operating on deleted collections from completing.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ref("classes/users/self") from returning a reference to the current logged-in user.

Fauna DashboardVersion 2.12.1 - released 2020-04-29


  • Fixed an issue that caused the document accordion to display stale data.

  • Corrected usage counts for child databases in the pie charts.

Fauna Dashboard 2.12.0 - released 2020-04-14


  • Add a page providing Fauna download assets.

  • Improved the expanded document display to now include the ref and ts fields.

  • Improved the presentation of error messages in the Web Shell.

  • Improved the Keys list to automatically update when a key is revoked.


  • Fixed issues with sorting lists and tables alphabetically, throughout the UI.

  • Fixed scrolling issues.

  • Fixed post-action navigation when deleting a collection or index, or renaming an index.

  • Improved handling of renamed collections.

  • Fixed styling issues for mobile users.

  • Fixed bugs with paste and undo in the Web Shell editor.

Fauna Dashboard 2.11.1 - released 2020-03-26


  • Fixed a scrolling issue for mobile devices.

Fauna Dashboard 2.11.0 - released 2020-03-25


  • Added a new downloads page.

  • Sorted lists and tables alphabetically, throughout the UI.


  • Web Shell: Fixed bugs involving text paste and undo within the query editor.

  • Fixed a scrolling issue.

  • Fixed several style and text tip issues.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.4.2 - released 2020-03-23


  • Added support for CORS handling at the service endpoint.

Fauna Dashboard 2.10.0 - released 2020-03-06


  • Web Shell: Added a tooltip to display query metrics.

  • Web Shell: Added filtering of duplicates from the query history.


  • Web Shell: Fixed regression in error reporting.

  • Web Shell: Adjusted keyboard shortcut bindings to use Command or Control as a modifier instead of Shift.

  • Fixed the placeholder height within the FQL editor.

  • Corrected the GraphQL tutorial step for creating a database; you can no longer proceed when the "Pre-populate with demo data" checkbox is checked.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.4.1 - released 2020-02-26


  • Fixed a bug that prevented disconnecting types from many-to-many relations in certain conditions.

  • Improved performance when processing queries for large schemas.

Fauna Dashboard 2.9.1 - released 2020-02-25


  • Fixed bug where the Web Shell would crash when loading the older configuration format from the browser’s local storage.

Fauna Dashboard 2.9.0 - released 2020-02-25


  • Use the new Documents function instead of collection indexes.


  • Fixed the Clear button in the Web Shell so that it clears the query output.

  • Fixed the display of bulk query results in the Web Shell.

Fauna 2.11.0 - released 2020-02-12


Built-in collection indexes

With built-in collection indexes (along with the Documents function), there are a couple of advantages:

  • You no longer need to create your own "collection index" just to track all of the documents that exist within a collection.

  • You can remove any existing collection indexes (provided that you update queries that involve them) to save on storage.

We’re excited to announce that the following FQL functions that were previously released in Preview mode are now generally available and supported in all primary drivers:


  • Fixed issue where ABAC roles could fall back to the legacy permission system.

  • Fixed missing reference for the write privilege in ABAC roles. Predicate functions for the write action now receive the reference of the document to be written. See User-defined roles for details.

  • Fixed rendering of indexes with multiple sources defined.

  • Fixed IndexOutOfBounds error when using FindStrRegex.

  • Cleaned up error descriptions in error messages.

  • Fixed DateTimeException when using Epoch.

Beginning with Fauna 2.11.0, the Fauna access control logic has been changed to use attribute-based access control (ABAC) roles, or the key-based permission system, but never both.

If a resource is a member of an ABAC role, the ABAC role specifies all privileges for that resource. Otherwise, the key-based permission system determines whether read/write/execute privileges are enabled.

For example, when an ABAC role includes a user-defined function as a member, that function cannot be called unless the ABAC privileges permit the call action.

Fauna Dashboard 2.8.0 - released 2020-02-12


  • Added the new Documents function to the web shell.

  • Added convenience keyboard shortcuts to the web shell, for executing queries and navigating the command history.

  • Added an option to save modified documents and return to the collections page.


  • Added a predicate sample for the unrestricted_read action.

  • Replaced "instance" terminology with "document".

Fauna Dashboard 2.7.0 - released 2020-01-29


  • Clicking on any Reference displays the referenced document.

  • The Dashboard tutorials can be reset, if you need to start over.

  • In the Shell, consecutive line numbers are displayed in the query history.

  • During role creation, objects available from dropdowns are automatically added.


  • After saving or editing a document, the collections view is displayed.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.4.0 - released 2020-01-27

New features

  • Added multiple query support.


  • Fixed a bug that deleted database metadata during the schema update process.

Fauna 2.10.2 - released 2020-01-23


  • This release contains backend improvements. There are no user-visible improvements in 2.10.2.


  • This release contains backend fixes. There are no user-visible fixes in 2.10.2.

Fauna Dashboard 2.6.2 - released 2020-01-15


  • Fixed ABAC predicate samples, and related, minor issues.

  • Fixed the creation of keys for child databases.

  • Fixed user logout/session invalidation issue.

Fauna Dashboard 2.6.1 - released 2020-01-08


  • Improved loading states on the dashboard for user-defined functions (UDFs).


  • Fixed an issue with editing roles.

  • Minor UDF usability fixes.

Fauna 2.10.1 - released 2020-01-07


  • This release contains backend improvements. There are no user-visible improvements in 2.10.1.


  • This release contains backend fixes. There are no user-visible fixes in 2.10.1.

Fauna Dashboard 2.6.0 - released 2019-12-19


  • Added a dashboard and other UI for user-defined functions.

Fauna Dashboard 2.5.1 - released 2019-12-10


  • Improved error messages.

  • Improved the loading state on the home page.

  • Removed priority fields for databases and keys.

  • Removed partitions fields for indexes.

  • Added history_read actions to ABAC role screens.


  • Fixed bug that affected index display.

Fauna Dashboard 2.5.0 - released 2019-12-03


  • Added basic FQL CRUD and GraphQL tutorials.


  • Added the "History Read" attribute to the Schema privileges that appear on the Manage Roles page.

  • Added missing FQL function to the auto-completion UI and parser.


  • Fixed the workflow for editing child databases.

Fauna 2.10.0 - released 2019-11-27


Functions in "preview" mode are only supported on the JavaScript and JVM (Java and Scala) drivers, and may change between their preview introduction and general availability. Typically, preview functions remain in preview for 2 releases of Fauna.


  • Ensured that the C# driver properly uses and supports Collection and Document terminology.

  • Fixed issue where the C# driver was not always handling nulls correctly.

  • Moved Format, Merge, Range, and Reduce out of preview.

  • Difference, Distinct, Intersection, and Union now support arrays.

  • Fixed issue where Range did not support refs as bounds.

  • Invalid Create function calls now give clearer error messages.

Fauna Dashboard 2.4.0 - released 2019-11-27


  • Updated the drivers to 2.10.0.

  • Updated the internal FQL function whitelist to include new 2.10.0 functions.

  • Added a document delete capability to the document list view.

Fauna Dashboard 2.3.1 - released 2019-10-31


  • Enterprise-mode added to allow our Enterprise customers to run console on their own databases.

  • Sign-In page updated to show additional information on smaller screens.


  • Fixed logo size on Sign-In/Up pages for Firefox.

Fauna 2.9.1 - released 2019-10-30


  • Enforce size limits for index keys.


  • Several RAFT election issues that affected performance.

Fauna 2.9.0 - released 2019-10-17


The following new functions have been added to the Fauna Query Language as a "preview":

  • A preview function initial release does not have support in all drivers; only Java, Javascript, and Scala implementations are provided.

  • A preview function might change after its initial release. Feedback from the community could suggest changes to parameters, return values, or implementation. We’d like you to try these functions and let us know how they are working for you!

Aggregate functions for sets

Following up on the recent addition of the Reduce function, we have added new functions for common aggregations:

  • Count can be used to return a count of elements in any Array, Page, or Set.

  • Mean and Sum compute the mean and sum, respectively, of indexed numeric data.

  • Max and Min have also been enhanced to work on Sets, as well as Arrays and Pages.

String predicate functions

We have added some additional functions which make it easier to search for specific strings with Filter() by returning true or false rather than an index or match structure:

  • StartsWith, EndsWith, and ContainsStr allow you to test if a string contains a search string.

  • ContainsStrRegex allows you to check whether a string matches a regular expression, which can be useful for more advanced predicates.

  • RegexEscape lets you escape the input, transforming it into a regular expression that matches the actual input value.

Even more functions

  • MoveDatabase provides the ability to move a database to another point in a database hierarchy, similar to the mv command for your file system.

  • Now provides the transaction start timestamp. Previously, the only way to get the transaction start time was by passing the special argument now to Time.


  • Improved the server’s task system to better prioritize tasks.

  • C# driver: Fixed nullable types for values that have non-null values in the database. Also added support for ISet types on decoders.

  • Fixed permission denied error when paginating through scoped databases that had been previously moved.

  • Improved write latency.

  • Enforced limit of 64kb for index entries (includes terms and values fields).

  • Deleting a collection now automatically deletes related single-source indexes.

Fauna Dashboard 2.3.0 - released 2019-10-17


  • Updated the internal Javascript driver to 2.9.1.


  • Fixed the render performance when displaying many documents.

  • Replaced "instance" with "document" in multiple areas.

Fauna Dashboard 2.2.3 - released 2019-10-02


  • For mobile devices, fixed spacing around action buttons, and positioning of the footer.

  • Fixed capitalization of "GraphQL".

  • Fixed warning from the editor appearing in the browser’s debug console.

Fauna Dashboard 2.2.2 - released 2019-09-25


  • Added an invitation to join the Fauna Community Slack on sign up.

  • Added an option to pre-populate a database with demo data, with a GraphQL schema.

  • Improved the instructions for collection indexes.


  • Fixed the template for write privileges in the custom role form.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.3.0 - released 2019-09-25

New features

  • Added a preview mode for introducing new features.

  • Added support for partial update mutations in preview mode.


  • Fixed built-in directives' location definition.

Fauna Dashboard 2.2.1 - released 2019-09-12


  • Corrected re-authentication behavior; upon successful login, the Dashboard returns to the original display.

  • Upgraded the Javascript driver to version 2.8.1.


  • Corrected the Shell error reporting to provide the full error message.

  • Fixed the UseForm cache integration.

  • Fixed some typos in the Dashboard, as well as in the translation files.

Fauna Dashboard 2.2.0 - released 2019-08-29


  • The new Format, Merge, Range, and Reduce, functions are now available.

  • Users can now create an account and login to Fauna with their Netlify account credentials, using OAuth.

  • Using the Fauna Add-on for Netlify, users can create a Fauna database instance from within their Netlify development environment, and get started instantly. They can also associate this database with their Fauna account so that they can manage it within Dashboard.

  • The Dashboard’s Shell now indicates when bulk results are being displayed.


  • ABAC fixes.

Fauna 2.8.0 - released 2019-08-28


The following new functions have been added to the Fauna Query Language as a "preview":

  • A preview function does not have support in all drivers; only Java, Javascript, and Scala implementations are provided.

  • A preview function might change after its initial release. Feedback from the community could suggest changes to parameters, return values, or implementation. We’d like you to try these functions and let us know how they are working for you!

Format function

Format formats a list of arguments according to a format specifier string, similar to printf in other languages.

Merge function

Merge takes two or more objects and returns a new object with the key/value pairs of all objects merged. The optional parameter resolver is a Lambda function that is used to resolve conflicts for duplicate keys.

Range function

Range provides the ability to limit a set based on lower and upper bounds of its natural order. If a set’s tuples are longer than the bounds passed to Range(), the limit applies based on the prefix the bounds cover. The from and to bounds are inclusive.

Reduce function

Reduce applies a reducer function to each member of a collection (an array, page, or set) to produce a single value (any scalar, array, object, etc.).


  • Filter can now operate on a Set, in addition to working with an Array. This makes pagination easier, and makes it possible to filter sets in combination with other set functions.

  • Fixed an issue where Distinct could not be round-tripped between Fauna and a client.

  • Improved the latency and reliability of index builds.

  • Newly created indexes are no longer automatically set to active when a collection already has documents.

  • Index builds are synchronous for collections with less than 128 documents.

  • Providing a timestamp to At that is too far into the future now returns an error immediately.

  • Fixed an issue where the functions Insert and Remove would reject an action taken from an event within a query.

  • Various minor operational improvements and bug fixes.

Fauna Dashboard 2.1.3 - released 2019-08-22


  • Error messages in the Dashboard’s Shell now includes the failure reason.

  • The Dashboard’s Shell "Bulk Results" message has been improved to be less alarming.

  • When a session expires and you re-authenticate, you are redirected to the page you were on at session expiry.

  • Add an integration enabling the Fauna Add-on for Netlify.


  • A typo was fixed in the language file.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.2.0 - released 2019-08-08

New features

  • Added support for Bearer authentication scheme.


  • Made authentication scheme case-insensitive.


  • Fixed recursive relational mutations.

  • Fixed class cast exception during directive decoding.

  • Fixed conflicting types with name Date found in SDL.

  • Fixed can’t convert {data: []} to Vector.

Fauna Dashboard 2.1.2 - released 2019-07-30


  • The Web Shell now shows the complete response object from queries, rather than just the data field.

Fauna Dashboard 2.1.1 - released 2019-07-24


  • The settings "view" mode was removed: users can now directly edit the settings without an extra click.

  • Removed a potential XSS vulnerability on GraphQL errors.


  • Minor cosmetic changes to GraphQL editor and "Role Settings" page.

  • Lambda() maintains the correct params after save in Roles privileges.

  • Normalized refs for Collection() in the Web Shell code editor.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.1.1 - released 2019-07-22


  • Addressed an issue that prevented keys for the current database, that were generated in the Fauna Dashboard, from being usable via the GraphQL API.

Fauna 2.7.0 - released 2019-07-16


This release brings numerous enhancements in security and usability.

Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

Attribute-based access control (ABAC) is designed as a replacement for Fauna’s current resource-based security model. It’s an alternative to an all-or-nothing security model and is commonly used in applications to restrict access to specific data based on the user’s role. Until 2.7.0, access within Fauna was restricted to 4 pre-defined roles. With ABAC, developers can define custom roles that match the applications' requirements and its data model, permitting access only to the data that the user needs to see.

For more information, see the:

Fauna Shell, on the web

Users can now access a web-based version of the Fauna Shell command-line from any browser, anywhere with an internet connection. FQL commands and functions can now be run directly in the browser. This is especially helpful for new users hoping to get started quickly with Fauna, without needing to install CLI tools on their local computer.

For more information, see the Fauna Dashboard 2.1.0 release notes.

Renamed "Classes" and "Instances"

One of the biggest user-facing changes in this release is the renaming of "classes" to "collections" and "instances" to "documents". Usability testing has repeatedly surfaced these terms as a source of confusion for new users. As such, we have renamed these terms.

We decided to go with "collection" because it’s more inclusive of flexible data models and resonates well with developers from a NoSQL background. Because databases that use the term "collections" typically also use the word "documents" to denote the objects in those collections, "instances" have been renamed to "documents". We have also found that most new users start with document-based data models to improve productivity during the early prototyping stage of application development.

This rename appears throughout Fauna and the documentation, especially in the FQL reference.

Recursive user-defined functions

Recursion has been one of the most commonly-requested features from our community, so we have added the ability to make recursive calls to user-defined functions. Since recursive calls can be very resource-intensive, the number of calls is restricted to a hard limit of 200. An example use case would be a user creating a list of all of her friends' friends within 6 degrees of separation, so she could send them marketing information about her app.

Time to number functions

Fauna 2.7.0 introduces new time to number conversion functions. Fauna has two special data types dealing with dates and times. The first data type is date, which stores a calendar date. The second is a timestamp (ts), which stores an instant in time expressed as a calendar date and time of day. These new functions allow developers to extract the year, month, day of month, day of week, day of year, hour, minute, and second values from a timestamp field.

Here is a summary of these new functions. Reference coverage of these functions is available here.


  • Numeric values now sort more predictably; previously, integers and floats could not be compared by value.

  • Fauna Enterprise now called Fauna Hybrid.

  • Strings can now be passed to Create and Match.

  • Inserts into the future are no longer permitted.

  • Numerous performance improvements.

  • Addressed an issue where duplicated error messages appeared if the index configuration was invalid.

Fauna Dashboard 2.1.0 - released 2019-07-16


  • Visual ABAC support is now included.

  • Fauna Shell has been embedded into the console.


  • The keys page has been refactored.

  • The Sign up and Sign in pages have been overhauled with a new design.

  • Various UX improvement have been made throughout.

  • Classes and Instances have been renamed to Collections and Documents, respectively.


  • Dependency loading has been optimized.

  • The embedded GraphQL Playground now lazy-loads.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.1.0 - released 2019-06-28


  • Added support for user-defined input types.

Fauna Dashboard 2.0.1 - released 2019-06-19


  • GraphQL tabs are now specific to a child database, rather than shared across the whole application.

  • Improved usability with Create Class and Index

    • The Create Class screen provides the ability to add new classes, and to add new instances to these classes inline. You can also create indexes without losing context to the class.

    • We support inline editing of instances. You can update any values in any instance directly from the Dashboard.

    • Index creation has become more intuitive, and we have added support for inline querying. You can now choose the data type while inputting your query string.

Fauna GraphQL API 1.0.0 - released 2019-06-18

The Fauna team is pleased to announce the general availability of the Fauna GraphQL API, an interface that makes it very easy to connect applications with databases by using a generic, composable query language instead of a server-specific query language.

We plan to build on this release of GraphQL API over the coming months.


  • Works with any database within Fauna. Queries/mutations are restricted to the defined GraphQL schema, so that your GraphQL access can live alongside any other classes, indexes, and instances that may already exist.

  • Supports importing via the /import endpoint, and querying via /graphql.

  • GraphQL Playground is embedded in the Fauna Dashboard, so there is no need to install an application, or use a separate web application to inspect your schema or run queries.

  • Supports several custom directives, including @collection, @embedded, @index, @relation, @resolver, @unique.


As this is an initial release, there are some known limitations:

  • Schemas do not support:

    • Custom directives

    • Custom input types

    • Custom interfaces

    • Custom scalars

    • Union types

  • No name can start with an underscore (_)

  • Subscriptions are not supported.

Fauna Dashboard 1.0.0 - released 2019-02-13


  • Integration of GitHub for user authentication
    With the new authentication system, you can now use your GitHub credentials to sign up with Fauna and alleviate the need to remember yet another password.

  • New usage-based metrics reporting
    Billing is based on the same set of metrics. Pricing details are available here. The following metrics are used for tracking:

    • Read operations

    • Write operations

    • Outbound data transfer

    • Storage consumed

  • Dashboard
    The new Dashboard provides a summary of usage broken down by the child databases that the user has created. If new keys are required for any of your child databases, then this is the place to start.

  • Sidebar Navigation
    The new sidebar allows a user to navigate between classes, indexes, and keys at any given time.

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