Update an index


You need to store additional metadata in an index document.


Set the data field in an index document:

(('all_of_the_people'), { data: { team: 'Wizards' } })
  ref: ("all_of_the_people"),
  ts: 1631835756760000,
  active: true,
  serialized: true,
  name: 'all_of_the_people',
  source: ("People"),
  values: [
    { field: [ 'data', 'first' ] },
    { field: [ 'data', 'last' ] },
    { field: [ 'ref' ] }
  partitions: 8,
  data: { team: 'Wizards' }
Query metrics:
  •    bytesIn:      99

  •   bytesOut:     376

  • computeOps:       1

  •    readOps:       0

  •   writeOps:       1

  •  readBytes:   1,787

  • writeBytes:     221

  •  queryTime: 3,053ms

  •    retries:       0


You can Rename an index, add metadata, or change the unique field. However, you cannot change an index’s terms or values definitions after the index has been created.

If you need to modify an index’s terms or values definition, you should create a new index with the new definition, then rename the old index out of the way, and rename the new index to use the original name of the old index.

If you change unique to true, any existing duplicate items in the index are not automatically removed.

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