
( param_object )


This function is deprecated as of Fauna 2.7.0. Use CreateCollection instead.

Fauna 2.7.0 renamed CreateClass to Collection. CreateClass continues to exist for compatibility with older drivers.

The CreateClass function is used to create a class (now, collection) which groups instance objects (now, documents). Once a class is created, it is possible to create instances (now, documents) in the class. You cannot create a class and insert instances into that class in the same transaction.

Unique name required

The class name must be unique in the database. If you try to lookup a class by name and only create it if it does not exist, the operation might fail if another transaction created the class in the meantime.


Parameter Type Definition and Requirements


The param_object fields are described below.


Field Name Field Type Definition and Requirements


The name of a class (now collection).

Cannot be events, sets, self, documents, or _. Cannot have the % character.


Optional - This is user-defined metadata for the class (now, collection). It is provided for the developer to store information at the class (now, collection) level.


Optional - The number of days that instance (now, document) history is retained for in this class (now, collection). The default is zero days.

Setting history_days to null retains this class (now, collection) history indefinitely. Setting history_days to the default value of 0 disables history retention for the class and only the current version of each instance (now, document) in this class (now, collection).

See Temporality for details.


Optional - A timestamp that indicates the time-to-live for a document, which is when the document is removed from the collection and can’t be queried. The document history can continue to be accessed using the Events function, provided the events are in the history retention interval and the document reference is input to the Events function.


Optional - The number of days instances (now, documents) are retained for this class. Once an instance (now, document) is older than ttl_days, it is removed. Setting ttl_days to null retains instances (now, documents) indefinitely. The default is null.


Optional - Provides the ability to enable permissions at the class level. See class permissions for more details.


An Object with the fields returned by the CreateClass function:

Field Name Field Type Definition and Requirements


A Reference to the created class.


The name of the created class (now, collection).


The timestamp, with microsecond resolution, associated with the creation of the class (now, collection).


The number of days to retain history. 0 means that no history is retained for instances (now, documents) in this class (now, collection), and only the current version is retained. null means that history is retained indefinitely.


The following query creates a class called "boons" with defaults:

({ name: 'boons' })
  ref: ("boons"),
  ts: 1624449118600000,
  history_days: 30,
  name: 'boons'
Query metrics:
  •    bytesIn:   49

  •   bytesOut:  142

  • computeOps:    1

  •    readOps:    0

  •   writeOps:    1

  •  readBytes:  804

  • writeBytes:  325

  •  queryTime: 49ms

  •    retries:    0

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