Search a date range


You want to find documents which contain a date within a specified range.


The solution has several steps:

  1. Create some documents to search

        ["Walk the dog", true, "2022-01-10"],
        ["Feed the cat", true, "2022-01-12"],
        ["Wash the car", false, "2022-01-26"],
        ["title", "completed", "date"],
            data: {
              title: ("title"),
              completed: ("completed"),
              completedDate: (("date")),
        ref: (("Todo"), "325694738894160384"),
        ts: 1646865557490000,
        data: {
          title: 'Walk the dog',
          completed: true,
          completedDate: ("2022-01-10")
        ref: (("Todo"), "325694738896257536"),
        ts: 1646865557490000,
        data: {
          title: 'Feed the cat',
          completed: true,
          completedDate: ("2022-01-12")
        ref: (("Todo"), "325694738898354688"),
        ts: 1646865557490000,
        data: {
          title: 'Wash the car',
          completed: false,
          completedDate: ("2022-01-26")
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:  346

    •   bytesOut:  717

    • computeOps:    1

    •    readOps:    0

    •   writeOps:    3

    •  readBytes:    0

    • writeBytes:  723

    •  queryTime: 45ms

    •    retries:    0

  2. Create an index to search by date range

      name: "todos_by_completed_date",
      source: ("Todo"),
      values: [
        { field: ["data", "completedDate"] },
        { field: ["ref"] }
      ref: ("todos_by_completed_date"),
      ts: 1643836096660000,
      active: true,
      serialized: true,
      name: 'todos_by_completed_date',
      source: ("Todo"),
      values: [ { field: [ 'data', 'completedDate' ] }, { field: [ 'ref' ] } ],
      partitions: 8
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:   179

    •   bytesOut:   342

    • computeOps:     1

    •    readOps:     0

    •   writeOps:     4

    •  readBytes: 1,691

    • writeBytes:   922

    •  queryTime:  37ms

    •    retries:     0

  3. Create a UDF

      name: "todosByDateRange",
      body: (
          ["fromDate", "toDate"],
            (["date", "ref"], (("ref")))
      ref: ("todosByDateRange"),
      ts: 1646866626110000,
      name: 'todosByDateRange',
      body: ((["fromDate", "toDate"], ((["data"], (((("todos_by_completed_date")), (("fromDate")), (("toDate"))))), (["date", "ref"], (("ref"))))))
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:  364

    •   bytesOut:  469

    • computeOps:    1

    •    readOps:    0

    •   writeOps:    1

    •  readBytes:   29

    • writeBytes:  567

    •  queryTime: 40ms

    •    retries:    0

    The UDF makes it easy to re-use the query.

  4. Call the UDF

    ("todosByDateRange", "2022-01-01", "2022-01-15")
        ref: (("Todo"), "325696243734938112"),
        ts: 1646866992610000,
        data: {
          title: 'Walk the dog',
          completed: true,
          completedDate: ("2022-01-10")
        ref: (("Todo"), "325696243737035264"),
        ts: 1646866992610000,
        data: {
          title: 'Feed the cat',
          completed: true,
          completedDate: ("2022-01-12")
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:   67

    •   bytesOut:  482

    • computeOps:    1

    •    readOps:   10

    •   writeOps:    0

    •  readBytes:  462

    • writeBytes:    0

    •  queryTime: 35ms

    •    retries:    0


The UDF todosByDateRange uses the Range function to find documents which have a completedDate field which is within a given range. Range takes three parameters: a set, a starting value, and an ending value. Range is inclusive, so it matches up to and including the ending value.

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