Index bindings allow users to store a Lambda
function as part of
an index definition, and to run that function whenever a new index entry
is added or an existing one is updated. It is much more efficient to
compute a value once, when an index entry is created or updated, than to
compute it every time that the value is needed.
Bindings must be pure Lambda functions: they must not
create side effects, such as any additional reads or writes. They
are provided with a copy of the document to be indexed and must
operate on the document’s values.
+ Functions that cannot be used in bindings include:
The ts field can be used as a term or value for an index but
should not be used in a binding because it is not known at the time
index bindings are computed.
To demonstrate, let’s create an index which implements a simple binding
function and uses its result as an index
term. For the purposes of this
demonstration, let’s use the People
collection (as created in the
indexing tutorials).
The goal is to create an index to support a query which looks for people
whose age is greater than 100.
The Shell version of this example is not currently available.
The above example uses the GTE
function to determine if the age
field contains a number greater than or equal to 100
, and returns
if it does.
We can now use the new index to support our desired access pattern. The
following example uses the people_by_age
index to look for people
whose age is 100 or more.
The Shell version of this example is not currently available.
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