
( [database] )


This function is deprecated as of Fauna 2.7.0. Use Collections instead.

A Class was renamed to a Collection in Fauna 2.7.0. This function continues to exist for compatibility with older drivers.

The Classes function, when executed with Paginate, returns an array of References for all classes (now, collections) in the child database specified. If a child database is not specified, the returned class (now, collection) references all belong to the current database.

When a child database is specified, an admin key must be used to call Classes (server or client keys, or ABAC tokens, cannot be used to access a child database).


Parameter Type Definition and Requirements


Optional - A Reference to a child database. If not specified, the current database is used.


A Set Reference for the available classes (now, collections) in the specified child database (or the current database if database is not specified).


  1. The following query lists the References for any classes (now, collections) (up to the pagination limit) within the current database:

      data: [
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:   29

    •   bytesOut:  937

    • computeOps:    1

    •    readOps:    8

    •   writeOps:    0

    •  readBytes:  754

    • writeBytes:    0

    •  queryTime: 15ms

    •    retries:    0

  2. The following query lists the References for any classes (now, collections) (up to the pagination limit) within a child database named "child_db":

    { data: [] }
    Query metrics:
    •    bytesIn:   48

    •   bytesOut:   24

    • computeOps:    1

    •    readOps:    8

    •   writeOps:    0

    •  readBytes:  363

    • writeBytes:    0

    •  queryTime: 10ms

    •    retries:    0

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