Document reference


You need to extract the collection reference or document ID from a document reference.


Use the Select function:

    doc: ((("users"), "1")),
    "document": ("doc"),
    "reference": ("ref", ("doc")),
    "reference collection": (["ref", "collection"], ("doc")),
    "collection name": (["ref", "collection", "id"], ("doc")),
    "document ID": (["ref", "id"], ("doc")),
  document: {
    ref: (("users"), "1"),
    ts: 1668013995250000,
    data: { name: 'Alice Crypto', email: '' }
  reference: (("users"), "1"),
  'reference collection': ("users"),
  'collection name': 'users',
  'document ID': '1'
Query metrics:
  •    bytesIn: 369

  •   bytesOut: 465

  • computeOps:   1

  •    readOps:   1

  •   writeOps:   0

  •  readBytes:  96

  • writeBytes:   0

  •  queryTime: 6ms

  •    retries:   0


The example uses the Let function to fetch the document, and then return an object that reports the document itself, the document’s reference, and the components of the document reference.

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