Use Retool and Fauna to build a Todo app
Application development with Fauna and Retool is easy with the Fauna GraphQL API. In this tutorial, you’ll build a Todo app using Fauna for data storage, a front end built with Retool, and GraphQL for querying and data manipulation.
A Fauna account. Sign up or log in via the Fauna Dashboard.
Set up a Fauna database
Create a new database
In the Fauna Dashboard, click the CREATE DATABASE link in the upper left corner.
Name your database fauna-todo-db (or another name of your choice).
In the
Region Group
dropdown menu, select Classic. -
Leave the
Use demo data
box unchecked. -
Click the CREATE button.
Import a GraphQL schema for your database
Using your preferred text editor, create a file named
with the following content:graphqlCopied!type Todo { title: String! completed: Boolean! list: List } type List { title: String! todos: [Todo] @relation } type Query { allTodos: [Todo!] todosByCompletedFlag(completed: Boolean!): [Todo!] allLists: [List!] }
In the Fauna Dashboard, click GRAPHQL in the left-side navigation.
Click IMPORT SCHEMA, which opens your browser’s file selector. Select the
file, and click the file selector’s Open button.
Add some documents
You can take a look at the results of the schema import by clicking DB OVERVIEW in the left-side navigation. You have two collections named
, but neither collection has any documents in it yet. TheTodo
collection is for individual todo items, and theList
collection is for categories of todo items. We can add a newList
document and several associatedTodo
documents with one GraphQL mutation:graphqlCopied!mutation CreateListWithTodos { createList(data: { title: "Chores", todos: { create: [ {completed: false, title: "Walk the dog"}, {completed: false, title: "Feed the cat"}, {completed: false, title: "Buy milk"} ] }, }) { _id title todos { data { title } } } }
Paste the above mutation into your GraphQL Playground panel and click the "Play" button. Now if you go back and look at your collections again, you should see the results.
For more information about using relations in a GraphQL schema, see the Relations tutorial. Before leaving the GraphQL Playground let’s run one more mutation, so there is more than one item in the List collection.
graphqlCopied!mutation CreateListWithTodos { createList(data: { title: "Exercise Goals", todos: { create: [ {completed: false, title: "Run 5 miles"}, {completed: false, title: "Swim for 30 minutes"}, {completed: false, title: "Bike to Fresno and back"} ] }, }) { _id title todos { data { title } } } }
Create an access key
Click SECURITY in the left-side navigation.
Click the NEW KEY button.
Leave all the form inputs as they are and click the SAVE button.
Your key’s secret is displayed. Copy it and save it for later use. Secrets are only ever displayed once. If you lose a secret, you have to create a new key.
Create a Retool application
Your Fauna database setup is complete, and now you’re ready to create a user interface for your Todo app. The Retool platform allows you to construct user interface elements which trigger GraphQL queries to your Fauna database, so you can add Todo items and mark them completed.
Create a new Retool resource
Log in to your Retool account. If you’re already logged in, navigate to your account home page by clicking the Retool icon in the upper left corner.
On your Retool account home page, select RESOURCES from the top navigation.
Click the CREATE NEW button.
On the resource creation page, click the GRAPHQL button in the APIS section.
Name the resource faunadbGQL (or another name of your choice).
For the Base URL, enter
Leave the URL Parameters section blank.
In the Headers section, enter the following keys and values:
Key Value Notes Authorization
Bearer <key secret for your database>
Include your key secret here.
gzip, deflate, br
Specifies which compression algorithms the client can use.
Specifies the media type of the resource.
Specifies which media types the client can use.
Specifies a persistent network connection.
Leave the other fields unchanged.
Click TEST CONNECTION to validate your form entries. If the connection is successful, click CREATE RESOURCE, then CREATE AN APP.
Name your app fauna-todo-app (or another name of your choice).
Add a list table showing all items
You should now see the main Retool app development workspace, where you can assemble the components for your Todo app.
There may be a default table in your main app workspace named
. To delete it, select the table and then select Delete from the action menu on the right side of the panel (next to the nametable1
). -
The bottom left section of your Retool workspace is where you can create and edit resource queries. Click the NEW dropdown menu and select Resource query.
From the RESOURCE dropdown menu, select faunadbGQL (or the name of the resource you created earlier).
In the Query box, add the following GraphQL query:
graphqlCopied!query FindAllTodos { allTodos { data { _id title completed list { title } } } }
The above query returns all the items in your
collection. -
Click the SAVE (sometimes Save and Run) button.
Rename your new resource query
. -
The right-side panel of your Retool workspace shows commonly used UI components. Drag a table into your main canvas. It is named
by default, and you can leave that name as it is. -
When the table is selected, the right-side panel shows its properties. Enter the following query reference in the
input box:{{}}
All the Todo items currently in your collection should appear in the table, all in one big column. We’ll separate out the columns in the next step.
With the table selected, look in the right-side panel for the
section. Click the CUSTOM COLUMN link three times, to give you a total of four columns. -
You can edit your new columns by clicking them to bring up their properties modal window. Edit the four columns to have the following properties:
Column title Mapper/Calculation id
Once your columns are defined you should see four columns in your table, listing your Todo items along with their ID, their category, and whether they’re completed or not.
Your table should now look something like this:
Create a button for adding new Todo items
Next, add a button which opens a modal window with a form for adding new Todo items. The form uses a GraphQL query to populate the list of categories, and then another query to add a document to your
Click the INSERT link in the upper right corner to display the
panel on the right side. Locate the UI elementModal
and drag it to your canvas, above the table.In Retool, modal windows are attached to buttons by default, so you don’t need to add a separate button. -
With the modal’s button selected, use the
Button text
input box on the right side to rename the button toNew Todo item
. -
Clicking the new button brings up a canvas onto which you can add UI elements to the modal window. Drag a
component onto the canvas.You can always bring back the components menu by clicking INSERT in the top right corner. -
Drag a
Text input
component onto the form canvas. Update itsLabel
property to readNew item
. -
Drag a
component onto the form canvas below the text input.This select box will show a list of Todo item categories, so it needs a resource query.
Down in the lower left corner, click the NEW dropdown menu and select
Resource query
. -
In the
box, enter the following GraphQL query:graphqlCopied!query lists { allLists { data { _id title } } }
Click SAVE and rename the new query
. -
Edit the
form element to have the following properties:-
Label: Category
{{>{return val._id})}}
Display values:
{{>{return val.title})}}
Now we need a query for the form’s
button to add a document to yourTodo
collection. Create a new resource query with the following GraphQL query:graphqlCopied!mutation CreateAListedTodo { createTodo(data: { title: "{{textInput1.value}}" completed: false list: { connect: "{{select1.value}}" } }) { title completed list { title } } }
After this query runs, the list of items should refresh, so it needs an event handler. Below the query box, click the
link in the Event handlers section and add a new event handler with the following properties:-
Event: Success
Action: Trigger query
Save the new resource query and rename it
. -
Now you can attach the new resource query to your form. Select the form and locate its event handlers on the right side. Add a new event handler and select
from theQuery
dropdown menu. -
The button now works, but you need another event handler to make the modal window close after the form submits. Add a new event handler with the following properties:
Event: Submit
Action: Control component
Method: Close
You can drag and drop the form elements to reposition and reshape them, and then close the form canvas. Your NEW TODO button should now work, and you can try it out.
Create a button to mark Todo items completed
Next, you’ll add a button to mark individual Todo items as completed. First, create a new resource query to update a Todo item, then add a button to the main canvas.
Create a new resource query with the following GraphQL mutation:
graphqlCopied!mutation completeTodo { updateTodo(id: "{{}}", data: { title: "{{}}" completed: true } ){ title completed list { title } } }
Add an event handler to the new resource query with the following properties:
Event: Success
Action: Trigger query
Save the new resource query and rename it to
. -
Back in your main canvas, drag a Button component next to the
New Todo
button. -
Edit the new button’s
property to readMark Completed
. -
Add an event handler to the new button with the following properties:
Event: Click
Action: Trigger query
Set the button’s
property to{{}}
so that it is grayed out when a completed item is selected.
At this point the app is functional, and you can click the PREVIEW button in the upper right corner to see how it looks in a web page. If you feel like you’ve grasped the basics you can stop here, or if you’d like to add more functionality to your app you can keep going.
Add more functionality
The Todo app works, but there’s one more feature we can add. In the following section you’ll add a switch to show only uncompleted items.
Add an openTodos query
Create a new resource query with the following GraphQL query:
graphqlCopied!query openTodos { todosByCompletedFlag(completed: false) { data { _id title completed list { title } } } }
Save the resource query and rename it
. -
Add a switch to display only open items
Drag a Switch component onto the main canvas. You can use the search box at the top of the Components panel to quickly locate a particular component. Rename switch to
Display open only
with theLabel
property. -
Add an event handler to the switch with the following properties:
Event: True
Action: Trigger query
Add another event handler to the switch with the following properties:
Event: False
Action: Trigger query
Update the
fieldTo make the switch work, we need to make the main list table a bit smarter. Select the
component and update itsData
property to the following:{{switch1.value ? :}}
Update event handlers
We need to update the event handlers for the
resource queries. For each query replace the existing event handler with two new ones:Event handler 1:
Event: Success
Action: Trigger query
Only run when:
Event handler 2:
Event: Success
Action: Trigger query
Only run when:
Save each resource query before closing.
Display open only
switch is now functional. -
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