Create a function

Creating and updating a function requires:


You need to create a user-defined function in the current database.


Use the CreateFunction function:

Let’s create a function to allow authors to create new blog posts. We’ll set it up to allow the author to provide a title and body. This way authors are constrained by what data they can store on a post document.

  name: 'create_post',
  body: (
      ['title', 'body'],
          data: {
            title: ('title'),
            body: ('body'),
  ref: ("create_post"),
  ts: 1624310578910000,
  name: 'create_post',
  body: ((["title", "body"], (("posts"), {data: {title: ("title"), body: ("body")}})))
Query metrics:
  •    bytesIn:  227

  •   bytesOut:  327

  • computeOps:    1

  •    readOps:    0

  •   writeOps:    1

  •  readBytes:   24

  • writeBytes:  455

  •  queryTime: 40ms

  •    retries:    0

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