CreateKey( param_object )
creates a new key, based on the settings in param_object
which can be used to access the current database. If you provide an
optional ref to a child database, the key is
associated with (and provides access to) that database. An admin key
must be used when calling CreateKey
Once the key is created, the key’s secret can be used to connect to
Fauna and execute queries within the associated database, with the
permissions associated with the key’s role
If you would prefer to use Fauna’s
Attribute-based access control (ABAC), you
should use the Login
function instead.
Argument | Type | Definition and Requirements |
The |
Field Name | Field Type | Definition and Requirements | ||
The access roles include
Optional - A ref of an existing child database. If not provided, the new key grants access to the current database. |
Optional - A name to apply to the key, to help differentiate this key from any others that may exist. |
Optional - A relative weight between 1 and 500, inclusive, indicating how many resources this key should be allowed to utilize. Defaults to 1. A higher number means more resources.
Optional - Contains user-defined metadata for the key. It is provided for the developer to store key-relevant information. |
An object containing the metadata about the results of CreateKey
Field Name | Field Type | Definition and Requirements |
The reference is an automatically-generated, unique identifier within the database to the key that was created. |
The ref of the database that the key belongs to. |
The access role for this key. |
The name for this key. Only present when specified during key creation. |
The timestamp, with microsecond resolution, associated with the creation of the key. |
The key’s authentication secret. It is only present at creation. You must copy the key’s secret and store it securely for future use. |
The key’s hashed authentication secret. |
The following query creates a key for the prydain
database with an
access role of server
database: q.Database('prydain'),
role: 'server',
.then((ret) => console.log(ret))
{ ref: Ref(id=200295040051839490, collection=Ref(id=keys)),
ts: 1527275085327966,
database: Ref(id=prydain, collection=Ref(id=databases)),
role: 'server',
secret: 'fnACx5dHGJACAvbi1rpiKJFPsvWEdwvJjmEllT1q',
'$2a$05$cNALKjEyHHbx5XcxdQDd1uFlg9w7ILiGCkPiOBm.GkqdRvqLYTJpe' }
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