Release Notes - Fauna Console 1.0

Release 02/13/2019

The Fauna team is pleased to announce the availability of the Fauna Console, a tool that significantly improves the experience of interacting with database objects in Fauna. The Console is built on a robust framework, and it replaces the prior dashboard that was limited to basic CRUD functionality. We plan to build on this release of Console in the coming months with several exciting new features in the roadmap.


  • Integration of GitHub for user authentication
    With the new authentication system, you can now use your GitHub credentials to sign up with Fauna and alleviate the need to remember yet another password.

  • New usage-based metrics reporting
    Billing is based on the same set of metrics. Pricing details are available here. The following metrics are used for tracking:

    • Read operations

    • Write operations

    • Outbound data transfer

    • Storage consumed

  • Dashboard
    The new Dashboard provides a summary of usage broken down by the child databases that the user has created. If new keys are required for any of your child databases, then this is the place to start.

  • Sidebar Navigation
    The new sidebar allows a user to navigate between classes, indexes, and keys at any given time.

  • Improved usability with Create Class and Index

    • The Create Class screen provides the ability to add new classes, and to add new instances to these classes inline. You can also create indexes without losing context to the class.

    • We support inline editing of instances. You can update any values in any instance directly from the Console.

    • Index creation has become more intuitive, and we have added support for inline querying. You can now choose the data type while inputting your query string.

Next Steps

Learn more about Fauna from our product page.

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