This section demonstrates a number of example use cases of the Fauna Data Manager:
In order to perform the following examples, you need the secret for an admin key for the database you wish to export data from, or import data into. You can create an admin key for any database in your Dashboard account:
Later in these examples, replace |
Before you get started, the Fauna Data Manager is a terminal application, so open a
terminal window, and change the current directory to the one containing
the fdm
Create a demonstration database
A tool such as the Fauna Data Manager needs a good way to test its operations without
putting your own data at risk. The demo
parameter makes it easy to create a database containing sample data.
The demonstration database is created as a child database of the
database associated with your admin key.
Run the following command:
./fdm -demo <ADMIN_SECRET>
Remember to replace <ADMIN_SECRET>
with the secret for the
database that should contain the demonstration database.
When you run that command, the output should resemble the following:
FDM 1.14
2020-04-09 04:19
Loaded property file path: /Users/eskwayrd/fdm-1.14/fdm.props
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Database created.
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Collection posts1 loaded with 101 docs
Collection posts2 loaded with 102 docs
Collection posts3 loaded with 103 docs
Collection posts4 loaded with 104 docs
Collection dept loaded with 4 docs
Collection employee loaded with 12 docs
Collection address loaded with 3 docs
Collections Created
Indexes Created
Functions Created
Roles Created
Database <fdm-demo> created with secret <fnADo-00000CAdAM1a-000000LJfYHJyrhP6wLzr>
Database <fdm-demo> created successfully.
The secret reported in the output is the one you should use to export data from, or import data into, the demonstration database. Remember to save this secret, as secrets are only ever provided once.
Test the source specification
The Fauna Data Manager provides a "dry run" capability where no documents are written to the Destination specification. This is useful when you want to verify that the Source specification is correct.
To use this capability, simply specify -dest dryrun
./fdm -source key=<SOURCE SECRET> -dest dryrun
with the secret that belongs to the database
that you wish to test.
When you run that command, the output should resemble the following:
FDM 1.14
2020-04-09 04:19
Loaded property file path: /Users/eskwayrd/fdm-1.14/fdm.props
Field Formatting
Config File
load: data.json
host: cloud
jdbc.property.serverTimezone: UTC
policy.data: COPY
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Execute a dry run, nothing will be inserted.
Starting Load at 2020-04-08 21:39:04.
Reading data at 2020-04-08 21:39:04 Fauna Timestamp: 1586407144944000
Collection address -> address documents 3 size 0 KB execution time: 0.055 sec 0.000 MB/sec 54.5 docs/sec
Collection dept -> dept documents 4 size 0 KB execution time: 0.050 sec 0.000 MB/sec 80.0 docs/sec
Collection employee -> employee documents 12 size 0 KB execution time: 0.048 sec 0.000 MB/sec 250.0 docs/sec
Collection posts1 -> posts1 documents 101 size 0 KB execution time: 0.231 sec 0.000 MB/sec 437.2 docs/sec
Collection posts2 -> posts2 documents 102 size 0 KB execution time: 0.071 sec 0.000 MB/sec 1436.6 docs/sec
Collection posts3 -> posts3 documents 103 size 0 KB execution time: 0.072 sec 0.000 MB/sec 1430.6 docs/sec
Collection posts4 -> posts4 documents 104 size 0 KB execution time: 0.065 sec 0.000 MB/sec 1600.0 docs/sec
FDM finished at 2020-04-08 21:39:05.
Copy a Fauna database to a new Fauna database
The Fauna Data Manager can copy one Fauna database to another. To do so, you need a secret associated with each database. Follow the steps at the top of this page if you need to create a key for the databases involved in the copy.
Run the following command to copy one database to another:
./fdm -source key=<SOURCE SECRET> -dest key=<DESTINATION SECRET>
with the secret that belongs to the database
that you wish to copy. Replace <DESTINATION SECRET>
with the secret
that belongs to the database that should receive the copy.
When you run that command, the output should resemble the following
(especially if the <SOURCE SECRET>
belongs to a demonstration
FDM 1.14
2020-04-09 04:19
Loaded property file path: /Users/eskwayrd/fdm-1.14/fdm.props
Field Formatting
Config File
load: data.json
host: cloud
jdbc.property.serverTimezone: UTC
policy.data: COPY
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Starting Load at 2020-04-08 22:18:03.
Reading data at 2020-04-08 22:18:03 Fauna Timestamp: 1586409483689000
Collection address -> address documents 3 size 0 KB execution time: 0.115 sec 0.000 MB/sec 26.1 docs/sec
Collection dept -> dept documents 4 size 0 KB execution time: 0.101 sec 0.000 MB/sec 39.6 docs/sec
Collection employee -> employee documents 12 size 0 KB execution time: 0.117 sec 0.000 MB/sec 102.6 docs/sec
Collection posts1 -> posts1 documents 101 size 0 KB execution time: 0.138 sec 0.000 MB/sec 731.9 docs/sec
Collection posts2 -> posts2 documents 102 size 0 KB execution time: 0.198 sec 0.000 MB/sec 515.2 docs/sec
Collection posts3 -> posts3 documents 103 size 0 KB execution time: 0.123 sec 0.000 MB/sec 837.4 docs/sec
Collection posts4 -> posts4 documents 104 size 0 KB execution time: 0.180 sec 0.000 MB/sec 577.8 docs/sec
FDM finished at 2020-04-08 22:18:06.
Upon completion, the destination database should contain all of the documents, collections, indexes, functions, and roles from the source database.
The Fauna Data Manager does not copy document history. Nor does it copy GraphQL schema metadata; you need to import a GraphQL schema in the destination database in order to execute GraphQL queries there. Also, keys and tokens are never copied because they belong to the source database; you have to create new keys and/or tokens in the destination database. |
Export a Fauna database to a directory
To create a simple backup of a Fauna database, you can export the data from the database to a set of JSON files in a destination directory. Make sure that the destination directory exists before you run the export.
Run the following command to export a database to the path backup
./fdm -source key=<SOURCE SECRET> -dest path=backup
with the secret that belongs to the database
that you wish to export.
When you run that command, the output should resemble (especially if the
belongs to a demonstration database):
FDM 1.14
2020-04-09 04:19
Loaded property file path: /Users/eskwayrd/fdm-1.14/fdm.props
Field Formatting
Config File
load: data.json
host: cloud
jdbc.property.serverTimezone: UTC
policy.data: COPY
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Output to directory [/Users/eskwayrd/fdm-1.14/backup].
Starting Load at 2020-04-08 22:20:07.
Reading data at 2020-04-08 22:20:07 Fauna Timestamp: 1586409607384000
Collection address -> address documents 3 size 0 KB execution time: 0.139 sec 0.000 MB/sec 21.6 docs/sec
Collection dept -> dept documents 4 size 0 KB execution time: 0.104 sec 0.000 MB/sec 38.5 docs/sec
Collection employee -> employee documents 12 size 0 KB execution time: 0.214 sec 0.000 MB/sec 56.1 docs/sec
Collection posts1 -> posts1 documents 101 size 0 KB execution time: 0.150 sec 0.000 MB/sec 673.3 docs/sec
Collection posts2 -> posts2 documents 102 size 0 KB execution time: 0.197 sec 0.000 MB/sec 517.8 docs/sec
Collection posts3 -> posts3 documents 103 size 0 KB execution time: 0.141 sec 0.000 MB/sec 730.5 docs/sec
Collection posts4 -> posts4 documents 104 size 0 KB execution time: 0.150 sec 0.000 MB/sec 693.3 docs/sec
FDM finished at 2020-04-08 22:20:08.
Upon completion, the destination folder should contain one or more files, where most files are named after a source database collection. Each file contains one JSON document per line from the source database collection.
One file is special: fauna_schema
. This file contains one JSON
document per line describing the source database’s collections, indexes,
functions, and roles.
If you have exported a demonstration database, the folder listing should resemble:
$ ls backup/
address.json employee.json posts1.json posts3.json
dept.json fauna_schema posts2.json posts4.json
The Fauna Data Manager does not export document history. Nor does it export GraphQL schema metadata. Also, keys and tokens are never exported because they belong to the source database. |
Import JSON or CSV documents into a Fauna database
You can import a single JSON or CSV file, or a folder containing any number of JSON or CSV files, into a Fauna database. Each import file’s filename determines the name of the collection in the destination database.
The import process only handles collections and data documents. Indexes, functions, and roles are not imported. If the source path contains a A future release of the Fauna Data Manager should automate this process. |
Run the following command to import the files in the path backup
./fdm -source path=backup -dest key=<DESTINATION SECRET>
with the secret that belongs to the
database that should receive the data.
When you run that command, the output should resemble the following:
FDM 1.14
2020-04-09 04:19
Loaded property file path: /Users/eskwayrd/fdm-1.4/fdm.props
Field Formatting
Config File
load: data.json
host: cloud
jdbc.property.serverTimezone: UTC
policy.data: COPY
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Starting Load at 2020-04-08 22:26:44.
File employee.json -> employee documents 12 size 3 KB execution time: 0.004 sec 0.801 MB/sec 3000.0 docs/sec
File posts1.json -> posts1 documents 101 size 26 KB execution time: 0.027 sec 0.967 MB/sec 3740.7 docs/sec
File address.json -> address documents 3 size 0 KB execution time: 0.001 sec 0.630 MB/sec 3000.0 docs/sec
File posts2.json -> posts2 documents 102 size 26 KB execution time: 0.028 sec 0.941 MB/sec 3642.9 docs/sec
File fauna_schema -> fauna_schema skipped
File posts3.json -> posts3 documents 103 size 27 KB execution time: 0.034 sec 0.783 MB/sec 3029.4 docs/sec
File posts4.json -> posts4 documents 104 size 27 KB execution time: 0.039 sec 0.689 MB/sec 2666.7 docs/sec
File dept.json -> dept documents 4 size 1 KB execution time: 0.001 sec 1.242 MB/sec 4000.0 docs/sec
FDM finished at 2020-04-08 22:26:45
Import records from a JDBC database
If you have a third-party database that has a JDBC driver, it is possible to import records from such a database into a Fauna database. The name of each table involved in the import informs the name of the collection in the destination database. Records in each table become documents in the destination database.
To make this work, the JDBC driver for the source database needs to be available in the local filesystem. You can download drivers for MySQL or PostgreSQL. Refer to the vendor’s driver documentation to determine the namespace of the driver.
You also need a userid and password that can access the desired database on the source database server.
Finally, you need to know the URL to connect to the source database.
Once you have these details, you copy records from a JDBC database to a Fauna database. The following example command demonstrates copying records from the MySQL database:
./fdm -source \
jdbc=~/Downloads/mysql-connector-java-8.0.19/mysql-connector-java-8.0.19.jar \
driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver \
url=jdbc:mysql:// \
user=<USERID> \
password=<PASSWORD> \
database=<DATABASE NAME> \
In that command, the following replacements are required:
with the userid that should access the JDBC database server. -
with the password for the userid that should access the JDBC database server. -
with the name of the database containing records that should be imported from the JDBC database server. -
with the secret that belongs to the database that should receive the records.
If you are not using MySQL, replace the jdbc
path for the driver, and
the driver
namespace. Your url
parameter needs to point to your JDBC
When you run that command, the output could resemble:
FDM 1.14
2020-04-09 04:19
Loaded property file path: /Users/eskwayrd/fdm-1.14/fdm.props
Field Formatting
Config File
load: data.json
host: cloud
jdbc.property.serverTimezone: UTC
policy.data: COPY
URL in use: jdbc:mysql://
User name: rootd@
DBMS name: MySQL
DBMS version: 8.0.19-0ubuntu0.19.10.3
Driver name: MySQL Connector/J
Driver version: mysql-connector-java-8.0.19 (Revision: a0ca826f5cdf51a98356fdfb1bf251eb042f80bf)
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Starting Load at 2020-04-08 22:51:41.
Table categories -> categories documents 1 size 0 KB execution time: 0.006 sec 0.000 MB/sec 166.7 docs/sec
Table stuff -> stuff documents 2 size 0 KB execution time: 0.005 sec 0.000 MB/sec 400.0 docs/sec
FDM finished at 2020-04-08 22:51:41.
If you encounter an error connecting to the JDBC database server, it might be possible to resolve the problem by specifying appropriate JDBC properties. For example, a default installation of MySQL often uses the UTC timezone. Clients connecting via JDBC must use the same timezone, or the following error occurs:
To solve this, edit the
Export a Fauna database at a specific point in time
You can export records from Fauna database at a specific point in time. Simply specify a timestamp and all documents that existed prior to that timestamp are included in the export.
Run the following command to export a database to the path backup
./fdm -source key=<SOURCE SECRET> pit=<TIMESTAMP> -dest path=backup
with the secret that belongs to the database
that you wish to export. Replace <TIMESTAMP>
with the desired ISO 8601
timestamp or date string.
When you run that command, the output should resemble (especially if the
belongs to a demonstration database):
FDM 1.14
2020-04-09 04:19
Loaded property file path: /Users/eskwayrd/Downloads/fdm-1.12.rc8/fdm.props
Field Formatting
Config File
load: data.json
host: cloud
jdbc.property.serverTimezone: UTC
snapshottime: 1586409269000000
policy.data: COPY
Connecting to: CLOUD
Connection was successful.
Output to directory [/Users/eskwayrd/Downloads/fdm-1.12.rc8/backup].
Starting Load at 2020-04-08 23:23:57.
Reading data at 2020-04-08 22:14:29 Fauna Timestamp: 1586409269000000
Collection address -> address documents 0 size 0 KB execution time: 0.038 sec 0.000 MB/sec 0.0 docs/sec
Collection dept -> dept documents 0 size 0 KB execution time: 0.037 sec 0.000 MB/sec 0.0 docs/sec
Collection employee -> employee documents 0 size 0 KB execution time: 0.137 sec 0.000 MB/sec 0.0 docs/sec
Collection posts1 -> posts1 documents 101 size 0 KB execution time: 0.176 sec 0.000 MB/sec 573.9 docs/sec
Collection posts2 -> posts2 documents 102 size 0 KB execution time: 0.055 sec 0.000 MB/sec 1854.5 docs/sec
Collection posts3 -> posts3 documents 0 size 0 KB execution time: 0.032 sec 0.000 MB/sec 0.0 docs/sec
Collection posts4 -> posts4 documents 0 size 0 KB execution time: 0.031 sec 0.000 MB/sec 0.0 docs/sec
FDM finished at 2020-04-08 23:23:57.
Notice that 101 documents in the posts1
collection, and 102 documents
in the posts2
collection were copied, but no documents from the
or posts4
collections were copied: the documents in those
collections did not exist at the timestamp specified.
Apply a format transformation
The Fauna Data Manager understands a few simple ETL tasks, called format transformations, include renaming or ignoring fields, changing a field type (where possible), and identifying the fields that provide the document id and timestamp. These transformations take place after a source document has been read and before the destination document is written.
For this example, we need to see the data that the Fauna Data Manager is going to process, and what it looks like afterwards.
Create the file
, in the folder containingfdm
, containing the following content:Event,Time Breakfast,2020-04-08T06:45:00 Exercise,2020-04-08T07:30:00 Work,2020-04-08T09:00:00 Lunch,2020-04-08T12:00:00 Meeting,2020-04-08T15:30:00 Run errands,2020-04-08T17:30:00 Make dinner,2020-04-08T18:15:00 Watch TV,2020-04-08T19:00:00 Bedtime,2020-04-08T23:00:00
When imported, a collection called
would be created, and each document in the collection would have the fieldsEvent
. -
Import the CSV file, like so:
terminalCopied!./fdm -source daily_events.csv -dest key=<DESTINATION_SECRET>
with the secret that belongs to the database that should receive the records. -
In the Dashboard, select the destination database, then click on the
collection. You should see a list of nine documents containing the details from thedaily_events.csv
file. For example:{ "Event": "Breakfast", "Time": "2020-04-08T06:45:00" }
The fields and values are all there, but the
field values are all strings. -
Now, let’s use a format transformation to rename the
field todate
, specify that the field is a date type, and specify that we only want to store the year and month using the date format stringyyyy-MM
:terminalCopied!./fdm -source daily_events.csv \ -format "Time->date:date(yyyy-MM)" \ -dest key=<DESTINATION_SECRET>
with the secret that belongs to the database that should receive the records. -
In the Dashboard, reload the page for the
collection. You should now see nine additional documents, this time with theTime
field renamed todate
, and the associated field values are now Date objects. For example:{ "Event": "Breakfast", "date": Date("2020-04-01") }
Since our
string wasyyyy-MM
, the day number was stripped off. Since the field value is a Date, and dates always have a day number, the default value of01
was used.
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