Tokens( )
Tokens( )
Tokens( )
Tokens( )
tokens( )
Tokens( )
The Tokens
function provides access to the system collection that
stores access tokens, created with the
function. This is useful for:
Listing currently existing tokens
Creating tokens without credentials
Indexing tokens so that you can query tokens based on relationships with other documents.
If you have a reference to a specific token, acquired with Login
, you
can add custom fields to the token’s document using
. Access tokens can be
invalidated by calling Logout
Due to implementation details, Paginate(Tokens()) does not list
existing tokens. See the example below.
List existing tokens
The following query lists any existing tokens:
Not available in this language yet.
Not available in this language yet.
System.out.println( client.query( Paginate(Documents(Tokens())) ).get());
{data: [ref(id = "255391018093904394", collection = ref(id = "tokens"))]}
client.query( q.Paginate(q.Documents(q.Tokens())) ) .then((ret) => console.log(ret))
{ data: [ Ref(Tokens(), "255391018093904394") ] }
Not available in this language yet.
println(Await.result( client.query( Paginate(Documents(Tokens())) ), 5.seconds ))
{data: [ref(id = "255391018093904394", collection = ref(id = "tokens"))]}
in an indexThe following query creates an index on the internal tokens collection, so that tokens associated with a specific service can be queried:
Value result = await client.Query( CreateIndex( Obj( "name", "tokens_by_instance", "permissions", Obj("read", "public"), "source", Tokens(), "terms", Arr(Obj("field", "instance")), "values", Arr(Obj("field", Arr("data", "name"))) ) ) ); Console.WriteLine( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented) .Replace("\\n", "\n") );
{ "object": { "ref": { "@ref": { "id": "tokens_by_instance", "collection": { "@ref": { "id": "indexes" } } } }, "ts": 1576104034680000, "active": false, "serialized": true, "name": "tokens_by_instance", "permissions": { "object": { "read": "public" } }, "source": { "@ref": { "id": "tokens" } }, "terms": [ { "object": { "field": "instance" } } ], "values": [ { "object": { "field": [ "data", "name" ] } } ], "partitions": 1 } }
result, _ := client.Query( f.CreateIndex( f.Obj{ "name": "tokens_by_instance", "permissions": f.Obj{"read": "public"}, "source": f.Tokens(), "terms": f.Arr{f.Obj{"field": "instance"}}, "values": f.Arr{f.Obj{"field": f.Arr{"data", "name"}}}})) fmt.Println(result)
map[active:false name:tokens_by_instance partitions:1 permissions:map[read:public] ref:{tokens_by_instance 0xc0001680c0 0xc0001680c0 <nil>} serialized:true source:0x15306c0 terms:[map[field:instance]] ts:1576104347010000 values:[map[field:[data name]]]]
System.out.println( client.query( CreateIndex( Obj( "name", Value("tokens_by_instance"), "permissions", Obj("read", Value("public")), "source", Tokens(), "terms", Arr(Obj("field", Value("instance"))), "values", Arr( Obj("field", Arr(Value("data"), Value("name"))) ) ) ) ).get());
{ref: ref(id = "tokens_by_instance", collection = ref(id = "indexes")), ts: 1576104514660000, active: false, serialized: true, name: "tokens_by_instance", permissions: {read: "public"}, source: ref(id = "tokens"), terms: [{field: "instance"}], values: [{field: ["data", "name"]}], partitions: 1}
client.query( q.CreateIndex({ name: 'tokens_by_instance', permissions: { read: 'public' }, source: q.Tokens(), terms: [ { field: 'instance' } ], values: [ { field: ['data', 'name'] } ], }) ) .then((ret) => console.log(ret))
{ ref: Index("tokens_by_instance"), ts: 1576104922970000, active: false, serialized: true, name: 'tokens_by_instance', permissions: { read: 'public' }, source: Tokens(), terms: [ { field: 'instance' } ], values: [ { field: [Array] } ], partitions: 1 }
print(client.query( q.create_index({ "name": "tokens_by_instance", "permissions": { "read": "public" }, "source": q.tokens(), "terms": [ { "field": "instance" } ], "values": [ { "field": ["data", "name"] } ] }) ))
{'ref': Ref(id=tokens_by_instance, collection=Ref(id=indexes)), 'ts': 1576105173880000, 'active': False, 'serialized': True, 'name': 'tokens_by_instance', 'permissions': {'read': 'public'}, 'source': Ref(id=tokens), 'terms': [{'field': 'instance'}], 'values': [{'field': ['data', 'name']}], 'partitions': 1}
println(Await.result( client.query( CreateIndex( Obj( "name" -> "tokens_by_instance", "permissions" -> Obj("read" -> "public"), "source" -> Tokens(), "terms" -> Arr(Obj("field" -> "instance")), "values" -> Arr(Obj("field" -> Arr("data", "name"))) ) ) ), 5.seconds ))
{name: "tokens_by_instance", source: ref(id = "tokens"), ts: 1576105489780000, permissions: {read: "public"}, ref: ref(id = "tokens_by_instance", collection = ref(id = "indexes")), values: [{field: ["data", "name"]}], partitions: 1, terms: [{field: "instance"}], serialized: true, active: false}
Modify a token
The following query generates a token by calling
:Value result = await client.Query( Login( Match(Index("users_by_email"), "alice@site.example"), Obj("password", "new password") ) ); Console.WriteLine( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented) .Replace("\\n", "\n") );
result, _ := client.Query( f.Login( f.MatchTerm(f.Index("users_by_email"), "alice@site.example"), f.Obj{ "password": "new password" })) fmt.Println(result)
map[instance:{251407645221585408 0xc000146360 0xc000146360 <nil>} ref:{251509693463134720 0xc0001461b0 0xc0001461b0 <nil>} secret:fnEDfYq70HACAAN9IwrU8AIALfJiahL_J_KcpDgUjW0K_n_TvFY ts:1576117185010000]
System.out.println( client.query( Login( Match(Index("users_by_email"), Value("alice@site.example")), Obj("password", Value("new password")) ) ).get();
{ref: ref(id = "251501214465786368", collection = ref(id = "tokens")), ts: 1576109098790000, instance: ref(id = "251407645221585408", collection = ref(id = "users", collection = ref(id = "collections"))), secret: "fnEDfYMFpNACAAN9IwrU8AIAci6OvrScKEoSVSpbfZq7_LfCpeA"}
client.query( q.Login( q.Match(q.Index('users_by_email'), 'alice@site.example'), { password: 'new password' }, ) ) .then((ret) => console.log(ret))
{ ref: Ref(Tokens(), "251500495731950080"), ts: 1576108413380000, instance: Ref(Collection("users"), "251407645221585408"), secret: 'fnEDfYJeTPACAAN9IwrU8AIAItH5Pfj5cqbybb_JmqNOncUKI14' }
print(client.query( q.login( q.match(q.index("users_by_email"), "alice@site.example"), { "password": "new password" }, ) ))
{'ref': Ref(id=251502661795316224, collection=Ref(id=tokens)), 'ts': 1576110479070000, 'instance': Ref(id=251407645221585408, collection=Ref(id=users, collection=Ref(id=collections))), 'secret': 'fnEDfYRWoGACAAN9IwrU8AIAFwnfIh4vM_28LzJqFIP_45o8X2Q'}
println(Await.result( client.query( Login( Match(Index("users_by_email"), "alice@site.example"), Obj("password" -> "new password") ) ), 5.seconds ))
{ref: ref(id = "251502310512919040", collection = ref(id = "tokens")), ts: 1576110144060000, instance: ref(id = "251407645221585408", collection = ref(id = "users", collection = ref(id = "collections"))), secret: "fnEDfYQE1lACAAN9IwrU8AIAaicAc8rxWsP_rUoTiLjYK00NRI4"}
In the following query, we use the token’s reference, from the previous query, to update the token with some metadata:
Value result = await client.Query( Update( Ref(Tokens(), "251585618429084160"), Obj("data", Obj("meta", "data")) ) ); Console.WriteLine( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented) .Replace("\\n", "\n") );
result, err := client.Query( f.Update( f.Ref(f.Tokens(), "251509693463134720"), f.Obj{ "data": f.Obj{ "meta": "data" }})) fmt.Println(result)
map[data:map[meta:data] instance:{251407645221585408 0xc0000c1590 0xc0000c1590 <nil>} ref:{251509693463134720 0xc0000c13e0 0xc0000c13e0 <nil>} ts:1576117185040000]
System.out.println( client.query( Update( Ref(Tokens(), "251501214465786368"), Obj("data", Obj("meta", Value("data"))) ) ).get());
{ref: ref(id = "251501214465786368", collection = ref(id = "tokens")), ts: 1576109098880000, instance: ref(id = "251407645221585408", collection = ref(id = "users", collection = ref(id = "collections"))), data: {meta: "data"}}
client.query( q.Update( q.Ref(q.Tokens(), '251500495731950080'), { data: { meta: 'data' } } ) ) .then((ret) => console.log(ret))
{ ref: Ref(Tokens(), "251500495731950080"), ts: 1576108413460000, instance: Ref(Collection("users"), "251407645221585408"), data: { meta: 'data' } }
print(client.query( q.update( q.ref(q.tokens, "251502661795316224") { "data": { "meta": "data" } } ) ))
{'ref': Ref(id=251502661795316224, collection=Ref(id=tokens)), 'ts': 1576110479090000, 'instance': Ref(id=251407645221585408, collection=Ref(id=users, collection=Ref(id=collections))), 'data': {'meta': 'data'}}
println(Await.result( client.query( Update( Ref(Tokens(), "251502310512919040"), Obj("data" -> Obj("meta" -> "data")) ) ), 5.seconds ))
{ref: ref(id = "251502310512919040", collection = ref(id = "tokens")), ts: 1576110144160000, instance: ref(id = "251407645221585408", collection = ref(id = "users", collection = ref(id = "collections"))), data: {meta: "data"}}
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