A document may delegate access on its behalf to other documents by
adding the other documents' refs to its delegates
list. Any tokens
belonging to a member of delegates
are granted access as though they
were tokens belonging to the delegating document.
For example, if a user (with id 1) has read access to the "spells" collection, but another user (with id 2) does not, the first user may grant access via delegation to the second user with the following query:
q.Ref(q.Collection('users'), 1),
{ delegates: [q.Ref(q.Collection('users'), 2)] },
.then((ret) => console.log(ret))
{ ref: Ref(id=1, collection=Ref(id=users, collection=Ref(id=collections))),
ts: 1527631398281881,
delegates: [ Ref(id=2, collection=Ref(id=users, collection=Ref(id=collections))) ] }
Now, when the second user attempts to read from the "spells" collection, they are granted the same level of access as the first user.
Delegates are not transitive — in the example above, the second user may not delegate the first user’s permissions to another user.
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