Release Notes - Fauna

The Fauna Console is on an accelerated release schedule, with a new release appearing, usually, every week.

These release notes cover new features, enhancements, and bugs fixed since the 1.0.0 release, up to and including the 2.0.0 release.

Version 2.0.0 - released 2019-06-17


  • We are excited to introduce support for the Fauna GraphQL API! Look for the GraphQL link in the Fauna Console’s left navigation bar. See the GraphQL API release notes for additional details.


  • Fixed a breadcrumb redirection error for keys.

Version 1.3.4 - released 2019-06-06


  • Prevent errors when searching (via Control+F) in the FQL text editor.

Version 1.3.3 - released 2019-05-23


  • The index field serialized has been moved to the Advanced tab.

  • Unnecessary subtitles have been removed.

  • The URL format for instances has been made consistent with other resource URL formats.

  • Hotjar metrics are now disabled for sensitive data.


  • Eliminated collisions between index names and RESTful URLs.

  • The serialized values for non-unique indexes are now displayed correctly.

Version 1.3.2 - released 2019-05-22


  • Eliminated collisions between resource names and RESTful URLs.


  • Revised sign-up page to clarify which e-mail address to provide.

Version 1.3.1 - released 2019-05-15


  • You can now jump directly to an instance from an instance list. The "Copy to Clipboard" functionality still exists.

  • App performance improvements.

  • Breadcrumb navigation has been simplified, and "Back" arrow behavior is smarter.


  • Indexes with no terms no longer throw an error when viewing.

  • Indexes can be renamed again.

Version 1.3.0 - released 2019-05-08


  • The CRUD workflow for all resource types (database, class, index, instance, keys) has been refactored to be clearer.

  • Usage reporting is now more granular and accurate.

  • Navigation and breadcrumbs have been improved.

  • When you create a Class index, it becomes active immediately.

  • The FQL tab on resource screens shows you the code behind the resource objects.


  • Responsive layouts for mobile devices have been fixed.

  • Inaccuracies in read usage metrics have been fixed.

  • Minor issues in the FQL editor have been resolved.

  • Empty instances now display correctly.

  • The Logout feature now works.

  • Links to Pricing information have been fixed.

Version 1.2.4 - released 2019-04-08


  • Console can now return up to 1,000 classes, indexes, or child databases for a single query (up from 64).

  • Retrieving documents is now capped at 100 records, until pagination is implemented, to improve the user experience.

  • Usage information displays more uniformly.


  • Creating an index with no terms and values no longer throws a "not active" error.

  • The workflow for creating a key for a deeply-nested child database now behaves as expected.

  • UI consistency tweaks.

Version 1.2.3 - released 2019-03-20


  • The metrics tooltips no longer truncate text.


  • The logic for computing metrics has been moved to a background service, and the console now consumes metrics data from the service.

Version 1.2.2 - released 2019-03-12


  • Read and write transaction counts on the metrics and billing pages now display using integers instead of floats.

  • Changing the URL now closes alerts.

  • Name for keys is now actually optional.


  • Fixed issue where usage in bytes was displaying with decimal points.

  • Zero-byte usage values are no longer displayed.

Version 1.2.1 - released 2019-03-07


  • Fixed editing of indexes with binding terms. Previously, the page would show an error if the index used bindings.

  • Fixed usage metrics to properly show usage on child databases.

  • Addressed issue where <hr> tags were not properly rendered on Firefox.


  • Usage charts now adjust their units dynamically to be more readable. For example, we now show 1.2GB instead of 1200MB.

  • Added a download link in the help menu, so that you can easily download Fauna if you need it for local development.

Version 1.2 - released 2019-02-28

  • Updated to React 18.3 (We ♥ hooks!)

  • Improved UX for instance cards.

  • Changes to Home child database columns.

  • The Usage Reset clock is now localized.

  • Tweaked database chart colors.

Version 1.1.1 - released 2019-02-20

  • Displayed usage/billing calculation was incorrect by a factor of 100.

  • Added screen for oAuth redirection.

  • Automatic search on an index when there are no terms.

  • track and history values allow 0 on classes.

Version 1.1 - released 2019-02-15

  • Create Instance from a Class.

  • View Instance by Reference.

  • Patched some priority issues.

Next Steps

Learn more about Fauna from our product page.

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